Saturday, October 3, 2009


Da orks 'ave arrived on Arenxis Minoris!

Siding with the chaos forces already on planet, the ork Warboss, Grimfang Blacktoof has agreed to aid the Vile Chaos Lord Minthras to rid the planet of all imperium forces and their allies. In return, the chaos lord has promised a bounty of rare teeth as well as the chance to fight some of the Imperium's finest!

Making a crash landing on Haides continent, the ork contingent hastily prepared a shantytown from which they will strike out. This base of operations of sorts was just completed when lookouts reported shadowy silhouettes moving closer towards the ork's base.

With a hastily assembled force, Warboss Grimfang leads his boyz into their first battle on Arenxis Minoris... (Read the battle report soon)

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