Sunday, May 30, 2010

Moving to the East Coast

Hmm...Of late, I have not been able to attend many a gaming/hobby nights at my local club. The reason being that I am now effectively relocated to the east coast of Malaysia, Kuantan actually.

So, the reason of the move not withstanding, me and the family are liking it here (the no hobbying part is a bummer though). At the moment, and into the forseeable future, I plan to make at least 2 trips a month back to KL since I still have some of my clients there. Each trip will enable me to stay for a couple of days at least. Fortunately for me, my work doesn't have me stuck in the office and I can basically work anywhere.

To all my Legio friends, if I'm in KL on Friday nights, I'll be sure to drop by. And if I can only make it on the weekends, then I'll head off to CM or Alvin's place.

I do hope I could get my SCARS project done in time for the Legio Birthday bash this July. At the moment, I'm slowly building up my orky BFG fleet. And when WHFB 8th Ed finally comes out, maybe I'll finish off one of my unfinished fantasy army.


  1. That's a shame dude, but if you and your family are happy there, that's cool. Definitely make sure you come to Hobby Night as often as work permits :)

  2. Alamak bro, I should have given you a good fight before I left to Taiwan. You take it easy and take care. Cheers.

  3. Without the Bossest of Warboss around, KL finally becomes a safe place to live in. :lol:

    Good luck at your new place. Make sure you drop by every once in a while. And don't you ever miss a tourney brother, coz my Berserkers wont have a good fight without your boyz around.

  4. thanks guys, really looking forward to drop by legio everytime i get. (it's a 300 km drive from kuantan)

    @doc: cool, man. i'll face whatever army you field when WHFB 8th ed comes. cheers!

    @AK: thanks. nature abhors vacuum. sum un's gonna fill dat warboss boots soon. next time i meet yer khorns, i'll make sure to thin them down a bit before charging in :)

  5. Hey Is, good luck over there. It's definately better than being based in Bangkok...eer maybe not hehehe.

    Always a legionnaire bro!!! See you at the birthday bash. Looking forward to playing against your ork bfg fleet

  6. good luck with the move ... hope to see you back at Legio at least twice a month! :) ... of course, the birthday bash too!

  7. the exodus begins..
    good luck in everything boss!
